Slide Background
Don't forget to take care of your
We will help you with it.
پاکستان میں اپنے پیاروں کی قبروں کی دیکھ بھال کی ذمہ داری
ہمیں سونپ دیں

Words of Delight: Client Testimonials That Speak Volumes

“Try us FREE! Pay only if satisfied.
Your trust, our guarantee”


/ One Time

One Time

What’s Included

Lapayi (Clay Layering)
Stone Cleaning (If needed)
Debris Removal / Reshaping
Phool Rrakhai (Flowering )
Weed / Grass Removal
Before & After Photo


/ Once a Quarter


What’s Included

Lapayi (Clay Layering)
Stone Cleaning (If needed)
Debris Removal / Reshaping
Phool Rrakhai (Flowering )
Weed / Grass Removal
Before & After Photo


/10 Mins Video Call

Video Call

What’s Included

Lapayi (Clay Layering)
Stone Cleaning (If needed)
Debris Removal / Reshaping
Phool Rrakhai (Flowering )
Weed / Grass Removal
Before & After Photo

Payment Form – As Agreed
Customized Payment
What’s Included

Enter your agreed payment amount.

Important Checkout Information for Qabar Safai Customers

In our ongoing effort to ensure a smooth and secure shopping experience, we wish to draw your attention to a key component of our checkout procedure:

🔒 Billing Address Verification:

For the security of your transactions, it’s imperative that the billing address you provide at checkout is identical to the one linked to your credit card. This practice is crucial for:

Enhanced Security: This alignment is a fundamental safeguard against fraud, helping to secure your financial details.
Efficient Processing: Accurate billing information is essential for the quick and correct processing of your orders.

📍Service Address (Qabarstan) – Separate Yet Acceptable:

Please remember, it’s absolutely fine for your service address (Qabarstan) to differ from your billing address. This variance does not impact order processing.

We value your diligence in maintaining these details, which play a significant role in preserving the safety and efficiency of your transactions. Your understanding and cooperation are greatly appreciated.

Warmest Regards,
The Qabar Safai Team